Peaceful Land merupakan kawasan tempat recovery mental bagi masyarakat yang tidak mampu, dikelola oleh Yayasan Rumah Teduh Sahabat Iin. Beroperasi sejak awal 2022, Peaceful land berdiri di atas lahan seluasa 6400 M2 di daerah Lembang Bandung.


Pelayanan di Peaceful Land diperuntukan untuk pasien dengan gangguan mental dhuafa baik yang tinggal rawat inap di kawasan Peaceful Land maupun pasien rawat jalan yang tidak memiliki support system dari keluarga dan lingkungannya.
mental dari pasien yang tinggal di Peaceful Land diantaranya Skizofrenia, Bipolar, BPD (Border line Personality Disorder), SPD dll. Selain itu Peaceful Land juga sedang menangani pasien dengan kategori normal bermasalah yang mengalami trauma dan membutuhkan recovery untuk menghilangkan traumanya, contohnya korban pemerkosaan, korban adiksi, korban bullying, inner child dll

Siapa Saja Yang Bisa Di Bantu Peacefull Land?

Masyarakat yang sangat tidak mampu dan tidak mampu meng akses layanan kesehatan atau masyarakat tidak mampu yang tidak memiliki supporting system dalam pemulihan kesehatan mentalnya. Setiap pasien yang akan mendampatkan bantuan pendampingan mental dari Peaceful Land akan melalui proses assesment terlebih dulu oleh team mental caregivers Peaceful Land sebelum kemudian di putuskan bisa di tangani atau tidak.

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True freedom is being without anxiety about imperfection.

Do not despair over what is imperfect in yourself. Instead, look at your flaws with love.

In our hearts, we all carry secrets that we cannot easily share with others. Topics like hurt, famine, money, and sexuality can evoke a deep sense of inferiority, shame, anxiety, or guilt.

Don’t judge people based on how they appear, as they may have difficulties that nobody can see.

Compare yourself not with others, but with the old you.

Even if you have unattractive qualities, if you are confident and at ease with yourself, you won't have such a problem. Remember that the most attractive quality is your confidence.

Being alone makes the world pause for a moment and helps to restore harmony.

We live longer now not because we do not get sick, but because we have learned to manage our illness.

Because I have experienced pain, I am able to embrace the pain of others. Because I have made mistakes, I am able to forgive others their mistakes. May my suffering become the seed of compassion.

Make the decision to be happy for yourself, and act on it. Do not surrender to someone else the power to make you happy.

Words can become the seed of reality.

We communicate not just with words, but also with the energy of our emotions. What words are said is important, but how they are said is often more important. We also communicate through our facial expressions and body language, through the volume and tone of our voice.

Carry a handkerchief not only for yourself but also for anyone you meet who might need one.